Chef Siiri Sampson is a farm-to-table chef who prides herself on being connected to the process of food from ground to table, as well as building relationships with the farmers involved. That was the theme of our branding photoshoot together, showing the full spectrum of a Chef’s relationship to the food and farmers!

If you’ve ever heard me use the term “Photo Safari”, this photoshoot is a perfect example of what I mean. We hit up SO MANY locations in one day, where we stop, do a quick change of wardrobe, do a quick photo set, and then move on to our next destination, that’s why it’s called a “Photo Safari”!

We started Siiri’s branding photoshoot in my private studio in Bellingham with a traditonal “Chef making food set”, and then we hit the road, visiting Larrabee State Park for a fish set, Appel Farms for a dairy + farmer relationship set, and ended our day at Bellewood Acers with the produce set!

This was a FULL day and quite the production, but I know I want to send an extra special thank you to Rich Appel for hosting us and educating us on everything involved with their dairy process! They truly love their animals and love the work they do! Thank you!

Now grab a glass of wine, and enjoy Chef Siir'i’s branding photoshoot!

(I don’t normally condone a cross arm pose, but when it’s an industry standard/requirement pose for a headshot (like it is for Chefs), we will for sure include it!)


Featured Client: Siiri Sampson

Industry: Farm to Table Chef

Hair and Makeup: Sarah Yvonne

Branding Colors: Grey, White, Olive, Pink

Location: Private Studio + Larrabee State Park + Appel Farms + Bellewood Acers

Photoshoot Date: October 28, 2020

It was off to Larrabee State Park for a QUICK Pacific Northwest seafood set. Our goal was to create just a few pictures that visually paired together the beautiful PNW coast landscape with cooking fish prep.

After Larrabee State Park, we zipped up to Ferndale and visited Appel Farms! Rich gave Siiri and I a tour and educated us on all things dairy farming! I was able to capture so many great candid moments of Siiri and Rich and of course … the cows!

Siiri and I both got SO excited when Rich let her play in the tractor!

The last top on our “Whatcom County Farm + Food Tour” Photo Safari, was Bellewood Acers! Bellewood is most known for their fall apple harvest and their distillery, but for our photoshoot, it provided an incredible backdrop for us to tell the story of produce farming!

Do you want to tell YOUR story with Lifestyle Branding Photography?

Let’s Connect! Drop me a line and we can start the conversation!


