Book Launch Party Recap!

Is it too bold to say that we just hosted the party of the year? Because, we sure did!

The Connection Method book launch party would not have been the same without each and every one of you who attended, and those who were with us in spirit!

It’s hard to express how  grateful I am for this community - my Connection Crew - who come together to celebrate not only my book, but everything The Connection Method stands for - connection and community!

Writing a book is a true feat and to celebrate its launch into the world feels so surreal and a true dream come true!
I could relive this night over and now we can, with this kick ass video from our team videographer, Katie Ann from Plicks Flicks. Thank you to Katie Ann for sharing your incredible talent and artistry with us!


Visions of this night were in my mind years ago. I dreamed it would be a night of community and celebrating this monumental accomplishment that we ALL contributed to. 

The dream of this party was something that I imagined while writing the book. Writing alone in my bed in giant sweatpants and sometimes through tears, I carried the dream that celebrating together would come true. 

I imagined the party space would be decked out in my branding colors. There would be food, music and wine. And there would be, for sure, be a Sex and the City “moment” where I would take to the stage, put on my glasses and read a snippet from my book surrounded by all of you, just like Carrie Bradshaw … and it all happened.

There was laughter, community, celebration and even a costume competition! It was truly an unforgettable night!

Meeting each of you, getting to hug you and share my appreciation for each of you was next level! As an author, you put your heart out into the world never really knowing what kind of an impact it will have or who will actually pick your book up and read it. Meeting you all, my OG Connection Crew, will forever be the most important event of my life.


The days following the party, I received so many heartfelt messages and calls from so many of you. I learned just how impactful the party was for you.

I learned that for some of you, feelings of loneliness turned to feelings of community the moment you walked in the door.

I learned that being in this space with this special group of women opened you up to the knowledge that you were valued and worthy.

I learned that the party filled you with joy and confidence to take your businesses to the next level. 

Abby’s message especially hit me hard and she was so kind to allow me to share it.

“After I got over the initial -omg omg what am I doing here I am SO not in league with any of these women (insert imposter syndrome HARD CORE)- I was absolutely SHOCKED to have people come up to ME, meeeee, and say “oh your from Dahlia Designs I love the work you do!” Like WHAT. Absolutely taken back, because I assumed my reach was so small … [that night at the party] may have been a slight turning point for me. I will never be able to thank you enough for the people you’ve brought into my life and letting me be a small part of yours. 

I’m starting to feel some of [my] power! It’s like, when a super hero starts to get powers and their finger tips accidentally shoot at little sparks, that’s me right now! I’m going to keep holding onto that … I thought you should know (as I have told you many times) the impact you have had on my life and others, everyone I talked to expressed just how deserving you are of the love and support you get, along with how special they felt to be included in something so huge!”

As I reflected on Abbie’s message as well as all of the others, I was deeply reminded that this is why I am doing what I'm doing. YOU are the reason. You are the backbone of The Connection Method.


Though the party was a celebration of my book launch, what it really turned out to be was a celebration of our Connection Crew, our community. A celebration of YOU. A triumph of real women who are all working to dig into their true identities, to understand the limitless impact they can have on this world.

Building bold dreams, finding inspiration in each other, championing one another’s achievements as they are met and celebrating the hell out of each other when finish lines are crossed.

That is the ultimate beauty. That is connection. That is community.


This party would not have happened without the hard work of my incredible team. A special thank you to those who helped make this party a complete success! 

Be sure to follow each of them!!


Venue | Her Connection Hub by She Leads Me @herconnectionhub @sheleadsme

Catering | Katy Von Kuhn @mydailydelish

DJ | DJ Kraymer @kraymergdot

Lounge | Wander Event Rentals @wandereventrentals

Rentals | Bellingham Event Rentals @bellinghameventrentals

Videography | Katie Ann Lang @plicksflicks

Photography | Dougal Brownlie @dougalbrownlie

Setup + Guest Care Team

Madeline: @madsavvyva

Sarah: @sarahrichardsonphoto

Kat: @katiebelle27


Until next time Crew,



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