Welcome to the Blog!


Can you believe it? It’s finally here! I finallllllly have a blog (I know many of you are saying “it’s about time Kels!”).
Yes, it’s finally here, my own blog! So now’s the time to cozy up, grab your favorite bevi and welcome you to the brand spanking new ... Connection Crew Blog!


Well, as you know, connection is BIG for me. I mean, it’s the foundation for everything that I do, teach and value, so a blog was just the next step for you and I to deepen our connection with each other! 

This blog will be our permanent landing pad to share education and inspiration, and a place to help you feel empowered to continually grow and evolve yourself, your Connection-Based Brand, your business/career, your community and your impact!

I love this community and am humbled by the beautiful, powerful humans who make it up. If this is your first time or thousandth time here, welcome. This blog will be our special place to come together to learn, grow, challenge and connect, and will be our own little bright corner of the internet, and I’m so glad you’re here!


This first blog post feels kind of like a first date (and if we are on a first date, there are tacos involved because, obvi) I’m feeling all the real life butterflies of this adventure we are about to embark on together, so shall we start with the basics and get the 411 on who I am and what I’m all about?

My Name: I’m Kelsey Kurtis, but my friends call me Kels or KK. You can do the same ;).

My Business: I have been a professional photographer for over a decade and specialize in Lifestyle Branding Photography. I’m also a branding educator, speaker, author of The Connection Method, and an unapologetic cheerleader for leaders in business like YOU! 

My Goal: My goal is to give you the education and validation you need to define who you are, what you value and what others can expect from you (a Connection-Based Brand) in order to  help you stand confident in who you are and gain clarity for how you can impact and grow your community in both your personal and business life.

My 5 Fun Facts:

  1. I am a proud auntie of two adorable nieces.

  2. I used to be a competitive figure skater

  3. My favorite pastime is to laugh. Seriously, laughing is my favorite. 

  4. I love treasure hunting at consignment and thrift stores. I’m an expert level deal finder.

  5. I can impersonate cartoon characters and can switch into different accents at the drop of a hat!


If you’ve read my book, The Connection Method,  you are familiar with my business roots. But to recap, I started my own business (Kelsey’s Jewelry) when I was 11 with my Grandpa Paul as my mentor. I consider him a master entrepreneur whose business foundation was always built on building relationships vs leading with the sale. 

Grandpa Paul’s method always clicked with me, and has become the foundation of everything I do and teach others to do as they build a business or career with a Connection-Based Brand.


So how did I get here? Like what’s the REAL story? Well, I believe that every story has a pivot point and mine came when the thing I feared most in my life happened - my divorce.

It wasn’t the pretty kind where you can stay friends. It was the ugly, blindsided, gut wrenching kind of divorce that cripples you and leaves you with a choice to either fall into the fetal position and stay there for eternity or grab life by the horns and choose to ride. I chose the latter.

In hindsight, I realize now that my marriage was limiting and limited who I was. I was building my business, but not at full capacity. I was living, but only surviving. I felt like I was staying in one place and that something was always holding me back.

I am such a visual person, so when I look back on that time, I envision myself huddled in a corner with giant wings, but those wings are tied back with a large, black rope. I existed, but my existence was limited.

The moment I knew our marriage was over and I allowed myself to face my fear of being alone and outside of my limiting comfort zone, was when I felt those thick black ropes being cut off of me and I was free to be me and step into my greater purpose.

The thing that I had feared most was the thing that set me free.

I took my experience and have woven it into The Connection Method to help you pinpoint what that thing is that you need to break away from or confront in order to live your purpose and serve others to the fullest. 

For me, it was stepping out of an unhealthy marriage that held me back. Perhaps for you it is a limiting belief you hold on to, the fear of judgement from others or a societal belief that doesn’t feel true to you. Whatever it may be, when you identify it and confront it head on, it will be the turning point in both your life, business/career.


The foundation of who I am, where I've come from and what I teach others to create, is all wrapped up in this concept I created called Connection-Based Branding. Connection-Based Branding will also be the foundation this blog will be anchored to, so let’s get clear on what it actually is and who it’s for in order to make sure you’re in the right place and can glean the most value from this blog! 

A Connection-Based Brand goes beyond the logo and traditional understanding of branding, and provides a way for you to connect with yourself first so you can connect with others in a real and genuine way. Your Connection-Based Brand will be created from who you are, what you value and what others can expect from you and will provide a path for consistency, confidence and clarity for everything you do and desire to build.

A Connection-Based Brand is for leaders who have goals and dreams of doing more, being more and creating a bigger impact in their business/career and community.

It doesn’t matter if you are male, female, trans, non-binary or beyond.

It doesn’t matter if your business card says Owner, CEO or employee, your job title does not define who you are, determine your value or level of impact.

Being a leader is a mindset, not a job description.

If you are ready to be empowered, find your path, step into confidence and use your voice to make others feel seen, feel heard and know they matter, you are right at home here in our community called The Connection Crew!


Connection as individuals, as business leaders, as a community and to each other is what our Crew, and this blog is all about. I look forward to sharing tangible tips, stories and resources here that help you create connection, confidence and clarity in your own life.

I am so glad you’re here!


Book Launch Party Recap!